Cl-ear Pain Relief Ear Drops
Cl-ear Pain Relief Ear Drops Pain Relief ear drops coat the outer ear canal with a protective film, helping to soothe irritation and swollen tissue resulting from burning, itching, swelling and pain. Pain Relief Ear Drops reduce swelling in the ear and alleviate pain.
Warning or Restrictions
Should your symptoms persist or worsen, or you experience any other side effects or burning, stop using the drops and seek advice from your doctor or pharmacist. Drops should only be used in the ear Avoid contact with the eyes, in case of accidental contact, rinse thoroughly with clean water and consult a doctor Do not use if the ear drum has been damaged or perforated, there is an infection or any problems with the ears (eczema, itching sensation, dermatitis or any other skin problems) Do not swallow Do not insert hearing aids immediately after use but allow at least 15 minutes for any residue to be removed These ear drops can not be used in children below 6 months of age If you are in any doubt whether this product is suitable for you, talk to your doctor, nurse or pharmacist Keep out of the sight and reach of children For external use only